Hesperia High School received the America's Healthiest School Award this year in the area of Family and Community Engagement. Their collective work with community partners, family leaders, students, and staff has allowed for tremendous growth in this area. Their movement into the community school model has allowed for expansion of identifying their needs and assets to better support their community's needs and build upon what is currently available. A big congratulations to Hesperia High for earning this prestigious award.
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
HHS Staff
students exercising
students exercising
students exercising
Students studying outside
students exercising
HUSD would like to remind all stakeholders of our Anonymous Reporting Program. Anonymous Reporting posters are placed in all classrooms and offices throughout the district and provide a way for our students, parents, or community to report safety concerns anonymously. Reports are sent to the HUSD school police for proper handling. In HUSD we believe safety is a team sport and we would like to remind all our stakeholders that if you see something, say something. By working together we hope to continue to provide the safest environment possible for our students and staff.
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
anonymous posting flyer
HUSD would love your feedback on your experience as a parent or guardian at your child’s school. To gather your input, we’ve partnered with the nonprofit YouthTruth. Please take 15 minutes to complete the anonymous survey online by Friday, November 22nd: www.ytsurvey.org/hesperiafamily24. The survey is also available on your school’s website, HUSD’s website, and social media. Thank you for your time as we value your feedback! Al HUSD le encantaría recibir comentarios sobre su experiencia como padre o tutor en la escuela de su hijo. Para recopilar sus comentarios, nos hemos asociado con la organización sin fines de lucro YouthTruth. Tómese 15 minutos para completar la encuesta anónima en línea antes del viernes 22 de noviembre: www.ytsurvey.org/hesperiafamily24. La encuesta también está disponible en el sitio web de su escuela, el sitio web de HUSD y las redes sociales. ¡Gracias por su tiempo ya que valoramos sus comentarios!
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
kids holding a sign that says "youth truth"
We will be live streaming the Key Game between Sultana and Hesperia High tonight starting at 7PM. The stream can be found at: https://www.scorpioncountry.com/o/hesperia-high-school/page/live-stream-and-media
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Congrats to our most recent Adult School Graduates: Ivan Viguerias, Jose Contreras, Bianca Dixson, Cristal Hernandez, Natalie Monroy, Yahaira Alvarez, Kristine Meilke, and Josue Lopez. HUSD is committed to helping students of all ages complete their educational goals!
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
graduated student
graduated student
graduated student
graduated student
graduated student
graduated student
graduated student
For today's #SchoolSiteHighlight we are going to Mrs. Stoddard's class at Cottonwood Elementary. In Mrs. Stoddard's class, students are diving into creativity with green screens, introducing themselves and sharing fun facts. They're also collaborating on amazing videos that explore energy transfer and the movement of matter in our environment. Plus, they're preparing to master the art of podcasting for unique book reports and historical storytelling! But that's not all! Students are getting hands-on with 3D pens, crafting geometric shapes, and diving into discussions about classification. They challenge each other to calculate perimeters and areas, all while creating tutorials to share their knowledge. Join us in celebrating their creativity and curiosity! #LearningInAction #CottonwoodClassroom
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
On the heels of the California shake-out drill, the district wanted to thank all of our site administrators, staff, and students for properly completing all state and county-mandated drills each and every year. All schools and district offices conduct fire, code red, disaster, and other drills to maintain safety for all. Many of these drills involve parent notification alerts/texts/emails, which help inform our families of our safety protocols as well. These efforts are in accordance with the education code and the school site safety plans. District drills are organized and run with our motto of, “practice like you play” in mind so that each school site is as prepared as possible. Thank you to all the staff, students, school police, and first responders who collaboratively conduct these drills all year long. For more resources on emergency preparedness please visit the San Bernardino County website: prepare.sbcounty.gov/#key-resources
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Students during drills
Students during drills
Students during drills
Students during drills
Due to the unexpected I-15 freeway closure today, several of our school buses are running late this afternoon. Please be patient, your children will be delivered to their proper bus stops as soon as possible.
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
School bus delay graphic
On Friday HUSD held its annual Pre-K Academy Trick or Treat at the District Office. Staff decorated the whole building in various themes such as Mario Kart, Encanto, and Inside Out to name a few. The kids had a great time and it was so much fun to see all their costumes! Thank you to all our staff that worked hard to make this event possible.
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
District pre k trick or treat
A BIG congratulations to our September HUSD Athletes of the Month! The winner for middle school was Hesperia Jr. High's Blake Gaines Cleland and high school was Sultana High's Mishelle Dominguez. For more info please visit: hesperiausd.org/page/student-athlete-of-the-month
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Blake Gaines Cleland
Mishelle Dominguez
A BIG congratulations to our September HUSD Students of the Month! The winner for elementary school was Cottonwood's Helanna Tran, and secondary was Canyon Ridge High School's Jackye Parra. For more info please visit: hesperiausd.org/page/student-of-the-month
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Jackye Parra
Helanna Tran
The District has been made aware of reports of a possible mountain lion in the area of Oak Hills. The possible sightings have been reported near Mesquite St. and Cedar St. We ask that our students, staff, and families stay vigilant while in the area. If you do see any animals, do not approach them. Animal sightings in this area should be reported to CDFW through its Wildlife Incident Reporting system or by calling the regional office at (909) 484-0167. Public safety concerns should be reported to law enforcement, and emergencies should be referred to 911.
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
California wildlife seal
Sultana and Hesperia High took athletes on tours of Cal State Fullerton and Cal Baptist University. Students were able to tour potential campuses and see which fit best for their futures. Thank you to staff that chaperoned and made this opportunity available to our students.
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
student athletes touring college campuses
student athletes touring college campuses
student athletes touring college campuses
student athletes touring college campuses
Sultana's CTE program had two of its students win $500 scholarships from the California Home Builders Foundation. Congratulations to Gage Riemers and Brody Sappington for their scholarships!
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Student with scholarship check
Student with scholarship check
Brighten Smiles, Build Careers: Become a Registered Dental Assistant Today, Join us for an Orientation Wed., Oct. 23rd at 6:00pm @ Hesperia Adult School. 16527 Lemon St. For more info: https://5il.co/2zdub
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Dental assistant student
Dental assistant student
Dental assistant student
Dental assistant student
For today's #School Site Highlight we will be at Topaz Preparatory Academy. At Topaz, their 5th grade scholars had the opportunity to be entrepreneurs during their first Business Day of the school year. Scholars created business plans and sold items or services to their peers. They exchanged class money for games, handmade items, treats, and offered various services, such as shoe cleaning!
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
HUSD is proud of the safety services we provide our school sites, students, staff, and community. One example of such services is our investment in our very own School Police Department. The HUSD School Police are committed to community policing strategies that focus on high visual deterrents and rapport building with students and parents. Our police force focuses on building positive collaborative memories with our stakeholders to emphasize their role in maintaining order and safety for all. The district boasts 2 safety positions, 1 clerical worker, 7 sworn officers, 1 Corporal, 1 Sergeant, and 1 Chief of Police. The district would like to take a moment to thank our heroes in blue who work to keep us safe every day. Thank you School Police!
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
School Police Officers with Students
#HUSDSportsCenter Last week's cross SHS country meet was a blast. Our athletes competed at a high level. We wish continued good luck to #SultanNation as the season progresses.
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
SHS Cross Country
SHS Cross Country
SHS Cross Country
Nineteen students from both OHHS and SHS took a tour of Mitsubishi Cement Corporation. Mitsubishi manufactures all of the major types of Portland and Specialty cement used in the California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah markets. Students from HUSD's CTE welding and automotive pathways took a tour of the cement plant and learned about the process of manufacturing cement and all of the types of jobs it takes to run a cement plant. They were also able to climb onto some heavy equipment and see a blast.
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
students at cement plant
students at cement plant
students at cement plant
Today HUSD took part in the Great California Shakeout 2024. This is a state-wide disaster/earthquake drill conducted in collaboration with various law enforcement and first responder agencies. HUSD office and school site staff are proud to team up with our local first responders, emergency services, and our very own school police department to make safety one of our highest priorities.
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
shakeout drill
shakeout drill
shakeout drill
shakeout drill
shakeout drill
shakeout drill
shakeout drill